
Showing posts from February, 2021


Motherhood is magical, it gifts amazing instincts, it fuels in ways that cannot be explained, to keep going no matter how exhausted. While every woman is keen on carrying a life within, it is not easy for some women who face difficulties due to infertility. There are a number of conditions that can cause infertility. Infections, lifestyle, environmental conditions, health issues, and certain surgical procedures. One such very commonly heard procedure is dilation and curettage. A question that strikes is - can dilation and curettage cause infertility ? What is dilation and curettage? Dilation and curettage often referred to as D&C is a minor surgical procedure that is performed for the removal of tissue from the uterus. It is so named, as the procedure involves dilation of the cervix with the help of a thin instrument and then inserting a curette, a small instrument that resembles a scoop, designed to scrape tissue. A D&C is usually performed for women who have suf

Regular exercise, regular yoga and eating a healthy diet increase one’s fertility!

  Did you know that being physically active, mentally happy, and eating a healthy diet increases your fertility levels? A newly born infant is like the beginning of the best of things in one’s life. Its birth is a wonder, filled with hope and a dream of possibilities! To get this ray of hope and joy in life, one needs to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. Exercise/being active can boost your fertility levels (the ability to attain pregnancy). Women who exercise regularly tend to get pregnant quicker than women who don't exercise regularly. Pranayama (breathing exercises) in yoga helps lower the stress-causing hormone called cortisol in the body and increases the chances of conception. With lower or zero stress levels, one can get a peaceful and a good night’s sleep, which will detoxify the mind and body . Maintaining a healthy diet is equally important to have healthy fertility . If facing any fertility issues or need some fertility guidance, our fertility experts at GarbhaGudi IVF Ce

Diabetes and infertility

Excess sugar isn’t always sweet. The sweetness of parenthood remains a dream for many couples who are unable to conceive. Diabetes could be one of the reasons depriving couples the joy of parenthood. Many couples are unaware of the fact that diabetes can adversely affect reproductive health. It’s an established fact that diabetes had affected at least 1 in every 10 adults and most of the diabetics have type 2 diabetes, where there is excess sugar than the insulin synthesized in the body. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder affecting all the vital systems of the body. It makes the body vulnerable to infections and other disorders. How does diabetes occur? The pancreas of the human body produces a hormone called insulin that metabolises excess sugars or glucose from the body cells. Diabetes or hyperglycemia occurs when there is too much sugar consumption than the insulin produced, or there is reduced production or no production of insulin. This affects the balance of sugar levels in the

What Is Infertility?

  Infertility issues aren’t much spoken about but are quite commonly encountered. To know someone is infertile or cannot have a child of their own is devastating and has a major impact on the mental and social well-being of the couple. Being a parent, is like looking back at your own childhood, yet another time. For couples desperately waiting for welcoming a baby, GarbhaGudi is a perfect option, with solutions for all infertility challenges, under one roof. When is someone said to be infertile? Inability to achieve pregnancy even after one year of unprotected intercourse is called infertility. One in every 7 couples experiences infertility at some point in their life. To understand why couples end up with infertility, one should understand the process of conception or how conception naturally occurs. The female reproductive system consists of two ovaries that are connected via fallopian tubes to the uterus. Below the uterus is the vagina from where the sperm travels up. Either of