
Showing posts from March, 2021


  Hyperprolactinemia Hyperprolactinemia Becoming parents is one of the happiest moments for a couple. The journey to parenthood isn’t similar in all couples. Sometimes, to achieve parenthood, a couple, may need to undergo a series of treatments. Hormone imbalances are one of the leading causes of infertility.   Ovulation   may be disrupted, depending on the hormonal imbalances, which can manifest as irregular or absent periods. Some hormonal problems are caused when the pituitary gland in the brain doesn’t release the proper hormones, or hormone levels are imbalanced due to stress, diet, exercise, radiation or a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).   PCOS   may cause eggs to get released at irregular intervals or totally stop releasing eggs. One such hormone which can affect ovulation and cause  infertility  is Prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland within the brain. Prolactin has different functions in the body but the most important of them

Fertility Tests For Women

Fertility Tests For Women Infertility is a condition when a woman intends to become a mother but has failed, despite frequent unprotected sex for more than a year.    Infertility   has been one of the biggest problems for women since a long time. New treatments are  evolving every day and latest techniques are now available to deal with this problem.  First and foremost, you need to know how “fertile” you are and what are the chances of conceiving.  Incidiently, you also need to keep track of your menstrual cycle as it plays an important role in conception. Studying the ovulation pattern provides some vital clues about any disorders that may exist. If a woman has not been able to get pregnant after trying for a long period of time, it becomes important to see a doctor who could recommend a series of  fertility  tests in order to better define and identify any underlying adverse condition. What are the fertility tests for women? When you plan to conceive, one of the important steps is t


LASER ASSISTED HATCHING Yet another advanced scientific solution for a couples aspiring to have their own baby. There are plenty of questions for anyone undergoing  infertility  treatment, especially when there is no success after repeated consultations and treatment. There are various problems associated with conceiving… A failed IVF and a negative pregnancy test isn’t the end. Remember, it is the first step towards completing your family. Identifying the root cause for unsuccessful IVF and correcting it is the key to success in the next cycle. There are numerous causes for negative IVF result. It could be due to abnormalities in the egg, abnormalities of the sperm or an improper selection of the embryo to transfer into the uterus or an issue in the uterus (endometrium), imbalance in the  hormones   etc. One such cause is a thickened or non-uniform zona pellucida layer around the egg. What is Zona Pellucida? Soon after fertilization of the egg by the mal e sperm, the formed  embryo  s

Pcos And Infertility

  Being a mother is the best blessing that a woman can have. Each moment of motherhood is treasured and is the only one where one can expect unconditional love. Every woman looks forward to this amazing transition in life but the path leading to the destination of “motherhood” is not always a piece of cake. It sometimes becomes a roller coaster ride. It comes with a lot of challenges, difficulties, and struggles when a woman is dealing with infertility issues. Among the number of causes of   infertility,   polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common cause. What exactly is PCOS and how does it impact fertility? Ovaries  are organs of the female reproductive system that produce the ovum ( egg ). The ovaries are oval-shaped organs that are located in the lower abdomen. During the period of ovulation, it releases the egg, and then the egg travels through the fallopian tubes. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes, if there are  sperms  available. The fertilized egg then slides

Suffering from Infertility? Pelvic Adhesions could be the Culprit

  Infertility is a challenging condition for most and often brings complicated emotions. It’s less talked about and has immense impact on couples. Modern medicine, along with experienced clinicians at GarbhaGudi, have numerous solutions to help couples enjoy parenthood. Women seeking treatment at   GarbhaGudi   can carry a lot of hope before carrying a baby. Infertility isn’t a fault. It is not a curse either. It’s prevalent in both the male and the female. There are various causes for infertility in women. They could be hereditary or environmental factors or lifestyle related or unknown causes too. One such cause could be a   PELVIC ADHESIONS . What is an adhesion? An adhesion is a scar tissue formed around the surfaces of internal organs. When a scar tissue is formed inside the  pelvic  region, it is called as Pelvic Adhesions. They can be formed around the ovaries, in the uterus, fallopian tubes, bladder or in the intestines. Adhesions cause no harm by themselves but may result in i

Sperm Bank and Legal Aspects: All you need to know

  Sperm banks have become commonplace now, more than ever before. There are various reasons due to which couples are opting for donor sperms and approaching the sperm banks or the semen banks. One reason is the rise of infertility due to increased stress and lifestyle choices. Sometimes the male partner may have very little or no sperms in their semen  ( called azoospermia )  that may lead a couple to opt for donated sperms. At other times, the male partner may be suffering from cancer and has to undergo chemotherapy, which could make him sterile. Such men may decide to freeze their sperms at a semen bank before starting the chemotherapy. There are also times when the couples live in different cities, and they are unable to be with each other to allow conception. At such times, they preserve the husband’s sperms, and the couple can use that to induce pregnancy, even in the husband’s absence. So sperm banks can help couples have a child by providing the male partner’s frozen  sperms  or