Becoming pregnant is an amazing emotion, but then it is at times hard for some people and other times, excruciating. Sooner or later, every woman‘s desire is to experience this wonderful feeling. It is, however, not easy for all women to initiate and sustain that tiny life within her due to a number of reasons. While the list is vast, one of the most common causes of infertility is blocked fallopian tubes. Correlation between blocked fallopian tubes and infertility As one is well aware, fallopian tubes are reproductive organs in females that connect the ovaries to the uterus. These tubes play an important role in conception as it is here that the fertilization takes place. It is the fallopian tubes that carry eggs from the ovary to the uterus. Therefore, any abnormality of these tubes could cause infertility as it becomes impossible for the sperm to unite with the egg. Blocked fallopian tubes make it difficult for the passage of sperm to reach the egg and also for the fertilized egg to get implanted in the uterus. Blocked fallopian tubes could also lead to the risk of ectopic pregnancy – a condition where the egg grows in a location other than the uterus, usually associated with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. It is difficult to realize if a woman is having blocked fallopian tubes as they often do not cause symptoms. Most women do not realize this problem until they have failed attempts at conceiving. However, in some women blocked fallopian tubes can cause mild pain on one side of the abdomen, which occurs at regular intervals. Conceiving after having blocked fallopian tubes If the fallopian tubes are blocked, conceiving without treatment is considered to be impossible. Though blocked fallopian tubes can make conception difficult, it should not leave one dejected. Every problem has a solution. Medical science has advanced to such an extent that this is no longer an insurmountable problem. One of the most recommended treatments globally is IVF (in vitro fertilization). IVF is a procedure where the eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, the sperms are taken from the male partner, and the work of fertilization that usually happens in the fallopian tube is carried out in the lab. Once the fertilized egg (now called as the embryo) is capable of being moved back to the uterus, it is moved back (usually on the 3rd or the 5th day after fertilization), where it can continue to grow into a normal featus and finally be delivered as a healthy baby. Seeking medical care to determine the correct course of treatment is of paramount importance. So, one only needs to figure out the right solution and a trusted care provider. It is important to follow the right channel of treatment by talking to a specialist and seeking immediate care. GarbhaGudi IVF Centre is available 24 x 7 and all ears to your problems, helping you begin the journey of motherhood. GarbhaGudi – Completing thousands of families, since a decade. For further details: Contact: 8880000909. Visit: Email:


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