The most magical day in a woman’s life is the day a woman becomes a “Mother.”

There are a lot of women who have been deprived of this magical day due to various reasons. One such reason can be due to issues related to mental health such as depression.

The question arises - Can depression cause infertility?

The answer is - Yes, depression can cause infertility. If not definitively, studies and certain investigations have shown a strong correlation between depression and increased rates of infertility. Women who experience depressed moods are more than likely to have infertility. Depression can negatively affect the health, thereby leading to hormone-related problems, which increases the chances of infertility.

The symptoms of depression that consequently lead to infertility can be summarized as:

  • De-motivation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Anger outburst
  • Crying spells
  • Lack of interest in sex
  • Feelings of helplessness

There are also instances where depression could be due to family history. Most women try to remain silent about this problem, they tried to hide it from others. If one is feeling depressed for a sustained period of time or is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to know that this is curable. Remember, there is always a solution to every challenge that life throws at you. There are many treatments that have evolved over time to help overcome depression. Having the right approach to deal with depression involves making the right choices to seek care and counseling, followed with appropriate treatment.

GarbhaGudi IVF Centre is among the best IVF Centers in Bangalore with extraordinary success rates. If getting pregnant is the concern, GarbhaGudi is the solution.

For further details and information: 

Call: 888 00 00 909





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