Early Ovarian Ageing- A hurdle in one’s pathway to motherhood!



The journey to motherhood is unique and beautiful in every woman. But due to various medical reasons in some women, the journey to motherhood may not be as comfortable and happening. One such reason can be Early Ovarian Ageing (EOA) which can cause a hurdle in one’s pathway to motherhood.

 What is EOA?

  All women are born with a definite number of eggs. There is no production of new follicles at any stage of life. A healthy female has 10—20 lakhs primordial follicles at birth. It reduces to 4 lakhs by puberty each of which contains an immature ovum. During the reproductive life span of an adult female, 300-400 follicles reach maturity. The remaining follicles get depleted or exhausted. Ovarian Reserve refers to the number of potential follicles left in the ovaries at a given point of time. In an individual, the significant decline in ovarian reserve is at 35 years of age. However, in some women, the reduction happens at an early stage of life termed as Early Ovarian Ageing (EOA). EOA occurs in 10% of women. Women with EOA are usually asymptomatic while some may have normal fertility. However, with advancing age, continuous follicular depletion will result in loss of fertility potential, menstrual irregularities and eventually lead to early menopause.

 Infertility is a stressful condition. While it is not a disease, it causes a lot of mental and psychological upheavals. It leads to social isolation and withdrawal, commonly in traditional societies. It is advisable for women to: • Take fertility treatment at the right time of the right age. • Advisable for couples planning to postpone their pregnancy, get their ovarian reserve test to take necessary precautions and plan accordingly. • Advisable to women who plan to postpone their marriage, freeze their eggs at an early age which can be of use later


 For more details and solutions: Visit: www.garbhagudi.com Call: 8880000909 Email: dreams@garbhagudi.com


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