ICSI treatment – When is it needed?

In some couples, the sperm cannot travel through the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg – the reason can be due to blocks in the fallopian tube or because of weak semen parameters. In some other couples, the sperm may travel through the fallopian but may fail to penetrate and fertilize it for some reason. In some cases where the male partner’s ejaculate has no viable sperms, doctors can gather some sperms through a surgical procedure, directly from the testes. Such surgically retrieved sperms are not capable of fertilizing an egg on their own. These are some of the cases where ICSI is a boon. In ICSI, the sperm does not have to travel to the egg nor does it have to penetrate the egg to fertilize it. ICSI is an effective method of treatment for couples who are facing the below issues. Low sperm count Poor morphology or motility of sperm Prior history of vasectomy or injury such that sperm ejaculation is not possible. In such cases, the sperm gets collected from the testicles or epididymis. If there is an erection problem or ejaculation is not happening due to spinal cord injuries or diabetes etc. Blocked fallopian tubes Cases where the eggs have been cryo-preserved due to various reasons Cases where conventional IVF has not yielded good fertilized eggs or where fertilization has failed. For any fertility query or fertility treatment Visit: www.garbhagudi.com • Call: 8880000909 • Email: dreams@garbhagudi.com


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