When Undergoing IVF treatment for infertility, there is an often dilemma - proceed with a frozen embryo transfer or should we go for a fresh embryo transfer. This is a very common question and couples need to be aware of the advantages and consequences of either step.

What is a fresh and a frozen transfer?

During an IVF procedure, women are put under a range of medications for the induction of ovulation. The ova formed in response, are retrieved and used for fertilisation with the sperm of their partner. The resultant embryos are transferred back to the uterus for subsequent implantation and development.

The embryos formed are either transferred directly within 5 days after the retrieval or can be cryopreserved for use in the subsequent cycles or future pregnancy of the couple. Both the fresh and frozen transfers are beneficial with few advantages of frozen transfers over the fresh transfers.

Know what makes a frozen transfer score higher than a fresh transfer..!

During the process of ovarian induction, some women may exhibit variations in various hormones which play a role in the successful implantation and continuation of pregnancy. Due to these variations, success of the IVF cycle may be jeopardized. To manage this, clinicians give time for the lady to recover and recoup from the stimulation process and the resulting hormonal variations. Once the hormone levels stabilize a frozen embryo transfer can give a higher chance of successful implantation of the embryo.

There are issues like PCOS, endometriosis, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) or poor quality of the ova due to which the women are advised for an IVF procedure. The frozen transfer could be beneficial in these women as an embryo once successfully formed is cryopreserved and can be used for future pregnancies.

Factors like age above 35 years with poor ovarian reserve could contribute to infertility. Frozen transfers are beneficial in such women for their future conception as this helps to address the decline in fertility because of age.

In people undergoing cancer treatment or other reasons, embryos can be created for later use, and when ready, frozen transfer could be performed - even if the cancer treatment had affected their fertility status.

During the IVF procedure, there is a range of medicines prescribed for inducing ovulation. If the embryo is planned to be transferred in the same cycle in which the ova are retrieved, it should be a fresh transfer. However, the induction process in few people might create unfavourable uterine conditions due to ovarian hyperstimulation. though rare, this might contribute to improper implantation after the transfer.

Fresh transfers do not provide adequate time for PGD (pre-implantation genetic determination) and PGS (preimplantation genetic screening). The embryo formed is subjected to biopsy (a small sample is taken from the embryo), and that sample, which contains the DNA of the embryo, is evaluated for chromosomal and genetic abnormalities. This helps to rule out genetic disorders.

Women who had conceived with frozen transfer might have apprehensions for the health of the so born babies. Frozen transfers have reported having successful live births and fewer chances of low birth weight and birth short of gestation period.

Apart from all this, the process of cryopreservation of embryos has developed exponentially that the process itself makes the embryos successfully survive in a frozen transfer in the majority of women.

Irrespective of the kind of transfer performed, GarbhaGudi aims at a successful and safe treatment procedure to help a couple conceive. The choice of fresh and frozen transfer is different for everyone. The couple can discuss this with our doctors and depending on the medical conditions, a decision can be taken for the best chance of conception.

It's always advised to discuss and know about the pros and cons of the type of embryo transfer that would suit your case and go with the advice of the concerned doctor.

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