Knock the block (What are the treatments for blocked Fallopian tubes?)

 Infertility is defined as difficulty in getting pregnant after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility can happen both in males and females. Lots of things can cause infertility, such as age, irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalance, blocked fallopian tubes and so on. We are so fortunate that we live in an age where there are safe treatments and therapies available and these can improve our chances of pregnancy significantly.


Fallopian tubes are J-shaped tubes which connect ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system. Its role is to enable fertilization of the ovum (egg) with a sperm and then transfer the fertilized ovum to the uterus for implantation and subsequent growth.


Fertilization may not happen if one or both of the Fallopian tubes are blocked, as the egg may not be able to travel from the ovary to the uterus or the sperm might not be able to reach the egg. The tubes may not be totally blocked, but partially, which can then increase the risk of a tubal pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy).


Usually, there are no symptoms for blocked Fallopian tubes, but irregular menstrual cycles may be a reason for the problem. The primary symptoms for blocked fallopian tubes are infertility, lower abdominal pain, and unusual vaginal discharge. If you are not able to get pregnant even after trying for a year, you need to seek medical advice.


Natural treatment for blocked fallopian tube:

  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking: Consumption of these has proven to be one of the causes for infertility.
  • Immune booster: Vitamin C helps our body to absorb iron from the food. Taking citrus fruits and veggies like oranges, lemons, broccoli, and green peppers which are high in Vitamin C. This can help in naturally unblocking the tubes caused by infection.
  • Yoga and Meditation for stress management: Yoga and meditation can reduce stress and increase the blood flow to the reproductive organs.
  • Ayurvedic treatment: Some ayurvedic medicines are said to help in removing the blockage and restore tubal function, but there is not enough documented evidence of the same.


Medical treatment for blocked fallopian tube:

  • Recanalization through Laparoscopic surgery: This treatment depends on how bad the blockage is and the cause for the blockage. Success rate of achieving a pregnancy after this is rather limited and so this is not the best option.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Woman with blocked tubes has almost no chance of getting pregnant naturally or through IUIThe best option is to undergo an IVF cycle, where the process that used to happen in the Fallopian tubes is done in the lab. The fertilized egg is then transferred to the uterus of the woman.

The most common symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes are infertility, lower abdominal pain, and unusual vaginal discharge. If you are experiencing the above symptoms and suspect that tubes could be blocked then you can approach the specialist.


Treatment for this requires expertise or skill in performing in all these procedures. Therefore, you should choose wisely which specialist or center to approach.

GarbhaGudi is one among the top IVF centers in Bangalore, with its five branchesYou can now locate your nearest center and consult a specialist to know the right treatment for the condition.



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