What are the common facts about Men and Fertility?

 Infertility is the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular, unprotected sex. The percentage of all couples having infertility is growing day by day. To increase infertility awareness, we are talking about male infertility. We also want to debunk some common myths and reinforce some other facts.

Age affects male fertility: The quality of sperm decreases with age. The average time taken by a man aged less than 25, to make a woman pregnant is 4.5 month. The same increases to 48 months if the man is aged 40 or more. This is a five-fold increase.

Smoking and alcohol affect fertility: Smoking unfavorably and severely affects male fertility. Cigarette smokers tend to possess lower semen volumes, lower sperm counts and lesser percentage of motile sperms. If a man is consuming more than 20 units of alcohol per week, then the couple take much longer to conceive, considering all other conditions are normal.

Hot tubs and saunas affect fertility: Exposure to hot temperatures can cause the temperature of the testes to increase. This can kill sperms and lower sperm count, thereby affecting fertility.

Tight Briefs should be avoided: Tight Briefs can squeeze genitals or cause the scrotal temperature to become too hot and this can result in infertility.

The heat from laptops can cause damage: Heat from your laptop can wreck sperm counts if the laptop is placed on the lap for more than 1 hour. Besides, if wireless connection is turned on, it can cause DNA damage and result in less motility of the sperms.

Stress can cause infertility: Being stressed and not taking proper care of yourself can affect sperm quality. Stress in men causes the discharge of steroid hormones called glucocorticoids. It hinders the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, reduces testosterone levels and sperm production. Infertility is itself stressful. So managing your stress by relaxing or participating in activities you enjoy can help reduce stress and increase your sperm parameters

Male infertility is genetic: Male infertility is generally not genetic. However, there are often some hereditary conditions that can cause infertility. These conditions are chromosomal conditions that affect sperm production like Klinefelter’s syndrome, Y chromosome deletions and other genetic problems, like mongolism.

Several other factors can contribute to infertility in men and may leave the couple devastated. The fertility specialists at GarbhaGudi IVF Centre, a leading fertility hospital with its holistic treatment approach, can help you find the root cause of infertility and cure it.

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