Are there chances of ectopic pregnancy in IUI?

 Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves injecting the best sperm directly into the uterus. Fertilization with the egg takes place in the uterus & the embryo implants itself.

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

In Ectopic pregnancy, an embryo implants in the Fallopian tube, the cervix or the abdomen. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous because the placenta can burrow into a blood vessel and cause internal bleeding. It is a life-threatening condition because it may cause the Fallopian tube to rupture and bleed excessively. IUI probably does not increase the danger of extra uterine pregnancy. But all women having fertility treatment got to remember the likelihood of extra uterine pregnancy. We can usually detect an extra uterine pregnancy by the extent of hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin Hormone) within the bioassay and an early ultrasound scan. Low hCG levels can help to point to an extra uterine pregnancy.

At first, the symptoms of an extra uterine pregnancy are often almost like those of a traditional pregnancy, but because it progresses, you will experience the following:

• Ceasation of Periods

• Abdominal or pelvic pain that worsens with straining or movement (this can happen strongly on one side initially then spread)

• Heavy vaginal bleeding

• The internal bleeding aggravates the diaphragm and causes pain at the tip of the shoulder

• Pain during intercourse

• Pain during a pelvic examination

• Dizziness or fainting due to internal bleeding

• Symptoms of shock The treatments for ectopic pregnancy are:

You will be put on medications to prevent the pregnancy from continuing to grow. If surgery is required, the doctors remove the affected fallopian tube & the pregnancy. If you lose a fallopian tubal due to an ectopic pregnancy, your fertility shouldn’t change significantly as long as your other tubal functioning normally. Even if it isn’t, reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization can help cause a successful pregnancy.

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