When should I stop trying through IUI?

 When should I look at IVF? For couples diagnosed with infertility, IUI( Intrauterine Insemination) is the first treatment protocol. Each cycle of an IUI

 has about a 10-20% success rate, on average, for women under 35.The odds of successfully conceiving rises with the number of attempts. Therefore, you have about a 30-60% chance of having a baby after trying 3-times. When IUI collaborates with an ovulation induction treatment cycle, pregnancy rates can be twice as high. In many cases, success rates of IUI drop off after three unsuccessful cycles & the decision to change to a new treatment can spur anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty.

What’s the magic number to transit from IUI to IVF?

Our GarbhaGudi IVF fertility specialists may want you to try several IUIs before suggesting you move on to more aggressive treatment, such as in vitro fertilization. Success in an IUI largely depends on multiple factors. For women under the age of 35, our fertility doctors at GarbhaGudi IVF recommend doing 3- rounds of IUI before considering IVF. This recommendation can go up to 6 in carefully selected patients. If you are over 35, this recommendation will likely be lower, as your age has a profound impact on fertility. Checking your ovarian reserve (which declines with age) is good before embarking on any fertility treatments. Before starting any treatment, it’s best to have these frank conversations with your doctor & partner about how many IUIs you want to attempt upfront. A lot of this depends on your unique diagnosis, your financial situation, and how crucial time is to your treatment process.

For more details or queries

Visit: www.garbhagudi.com

Call: 8880000909

Email: dreams@garbhagudi.com


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