Is it time for you to opt for a test tube baby?

Is it time for you to opt for a test tube baby?

Dreams of attaining parenthood comes true easily for many but others may face a lot of challenges. Through the advancement of reproductive science, today every couple can dream of becoming parents. Infertility rate is increasing drastically with time. There are so many reasons for this, like hormonal issues, structural issues, poor diet, stress, etc. 

Are you facing problems in conceiving?

Is it causing havoc in your personal life? If so, then you can evaluate the option of a Test tube baby treatment. It is also known as IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), a perfect solution to many infertility problems. You will enjoy & cherish the feeling & journey of becoming a parent. 

What is Test Tube Baby Treatment? 

In the natural process, the sperm goes through the female vagina, into the uterus and then into the Fallopian tubes, where the matured egg is fertilized inside the woman’s body & pregnancy happens. But when there are issues in this process, in the man or woman or both, couples need to go for fertility treatment. The process begins with medication to assist the eggs mature and are ready for the fertilization process. At this juncture, the doctors remove the eggs through a minor surgery called ‘egg retrieval’. All the available and accessible eggs are collected by inserting a thin needle inside the ovary through controlled suction. Then the specialist keeps the eggs in a glass tube in an environmentally controlled chamber and is then mixed with sperm (taken from a fertile father or a donor). Sometimes, sperms are selected from the sample and is the forcibly injected into the egg through a process called ICSI. Fertilized eggs are then kept for observation, in an incubator, to mimic human womb.

After observing the process for a few days, one or two of the best embryos are selected for a transfer into the woman’s uterus. When one of the embryos stick to the uterus lining and continues to grow there, a healthy and successful pregnancy happens and this process is called as ‘test-tube baby treatment’. 

Why and when you need Test Tube Baby Treatment?

The following are the reasons: 

1. Blocked tubes due to infection or removal for ectopic pregnancy.

2. Polycystic Ovary (PCOS) with no result through multiple IUI cycles

3. Resistant cases of PCOS follicles do not develop well with simple stimulation protocols.

4. If multiple follicles develop with the given stimulation protocol. 

5. Despite good development and timely rupture of follicles, the couple does not conceive even after 6-8 cycles of IUI or similar treatments. 

6. Grade III / Grade IV severe endometriosis (first laparoscopy and then IVF). 

7. Moderate Grade II endometriosis cases initially treated with COH and IUI. But if pregnancy is unachievable in 4-6-cycles of IUI, then plan for IVF. 

8. Unexplained infertility – 10% of couples suffer from infertility without any identified reason. If IUI is not successful in these cases, then go for IVF

9. Women with decreased ovarian reserve commonly require a test tube baby.

10. Women seeking pregnancy after 38 yrs. may be advised IVF treatment. 

Finally, the treatment of a test tube baby comes with lots of emotional phases. And requires a lot of mental, emotional and financial effort from the couple. But finally, a baby born through this treatments can add meaning to your life and make every moment joyful.

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