Being a mother is obviously the ultimate joy in a woman’s life, but many women these days have changing priorities. A number of higher priority aspirations and requirements come into the list and they end up delaying the plan to have a baby. Chasing your career dreams, learning a new skill, playing a sport, going on an adventure, traveling across the globe, success in endeavors, taking care of parents or siblings and such other demands. All this creates a dilemma – what should one choose between family or career, child or passion and pregnancy or other interests. This dilemma ends up becoming a fear and creates decision paralysis – neither can you go ahead with pregnancy nor can you concentrate on your career. 

Almost everyone today knows that conceiving can become very challenging if delayed; however, what you are unaware of is that these challenges can be faced with ease today, with the help of advancements in technology. Pregnancy can be delayed, but with proper preparation. Proper planning can help you live your life to the fullest while also having your baby when you desire. 

Yes, freezing your embryos which can be used when planning to conceive is an option and actually a medical boon to many women. It is similar to an IVF procedure, with one last step of embryo transfer being delayed till you are ready. 

In addition to these, there are other conditions where women should consider freezing embryos.

Who should consider freezing embryos? 

Women with genetic disorders, that can affect reproduction

Women who are to undergo chemotherapy

Women who are on chronic medications, that can affect fertility health

Women who are to undergo surgery that can affect the ovaries

A number of women these days choose to freeze their embryos during their highly reproductive phase due to the high likelihood of having healthy and viable eggs that can develop into good quality embryos.

On the topic of embryo transfer, there are a lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding this procedure. 

Common Myths About Frozen Embryo Transfer Some of the most common myths about frozen embryo transfer are: 

Freezing the embryos makes them weaker – The biggest misconception that exists is that if the embryos are stored for a long period of time, there are greater chances that the embryos could become weak or may not survive. This is so not true. Technology today allows embryos to be stored for more than 5 years without much of an impact, if done in the right way. All healthy embryos have the ability to survive the freezing and warming process. 

Babies born from frozen embryos may be abnormal – Conceiving through frozen embryos does not produce abnormal babies. Babies born through IVF procedures and frozen embryo transfers are as normal as babies born through natural conception. Multiple studies spanning across decades, across many countries have proven this conclusively.  

Conception cannot occur when desired – A common disbelief is that even with frozen embryos conception is not possible in the mid or late 40s. However, there is a lot of evidence where women aged 40 and above have successfully conceived with their frozen embryos. Age does have its impact, but not that significantly if embryos are frozen earlier. 

Chances of multiple births are high – During an embryo transfer, you might have more than one embryo implanted with the hopes that at least one will reach full-term pregnancy; however, not all frozen embryo transfers result in twins or triplets. 

Before giving way to any misconceptions that can stop you from moving in the right direction, consult a fertility specialist. Take proper care and guidance and clear all the myths that you might be having about any IVF procedure in general or embryo transfer in particular. Do not let the fear get deep-rooted in your life and prevent you from experiencing the joy of being a mother while enjoying your career and passion. Fear always blocks progress. Talk to a specialist now to break all myths about the procedure. 

If you are wondering about finding the right person to discuss your concern, GarbhaGudi has some of the best fertility specialists who can guide you towards proper decision-making. One of the best IVF Centres in Bangalore with its five branches spread across the city, GarbhaGudi has shown high success rates in IVF procedures at an affordable cost. 

GarbhaGudi IVF Centre – Helping you break the myths and plan your baby. 

For more details,


Call: 8880000909



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