How to select the best IVF center


For any couple who are suffering from infertility, pursuing fertility treatment is a huge step. It also involves a commitment of money and time to ensure a safe and successful process. Therefore, you must follow some crucial steps to find the best IVF centre for your treatment. 

Deciding on the right hospital for your fertility treatment is a subjective decision and is rather challenging.

It would be best if you consult your doctor, local support group and anyone else who has taken treatment earlier, for feedback and recommendations.

We have picked out some valuable tips to help you choose the best IVF centre.


Learn about different categories of IVF  Centres

Many people aren't familiar that IVF centres come in different flavours or categories, depending on various factors. One must know that two clinics are not at all alike and the treatment that you may receive may be entirely different. Every category has its own advantages and disadvantages, with no category being better than another. Choose according to your needs. Here's the list:


  1. Sole practitioners – Usually it is a small clinic, run by a single doctor, with very basic facilities for treating infertility, along with other gynecology and obstetric treatment. They are dependent on other IVF centres for some advanced treatment options.


  1. Small practices that have limited infrastructure – These are slightly bigger clinics with their own andrology labs, pharmacies and a small IUI setup. They may or may not have operation theatres for minor procedures. These are managed by 1 or 2 doctors with skeletal staff.

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