Mothering a child is the most awaited phase of life for a woman.  Once you are ready for this wonderful experience, it is followed by a lot of emotional and physical enthusiasm and preparing yourself for the journey.  When this happens in the way it is expected to happen, the joy of a woman knows no bounds. However, if it does not, there is nothing more disappointing when you discover that you are ready for it and then you look at a negative pregnancy test.  With every negative test, the soul breaks down a little more and the faith starts declining.  When you have tried to conceive for more than a year with unprotected sex and the results are disappointing, you tend to believe that it is no more going to happen. 

Infertility is one of the rapidly growing issues in the current times.  Well, what you should know is Reproductive Medicine has advanced to an extent where infertility is no more a matter of concern.  IVF treatments have restored faith in couples who seem to have given up.  IVF is one of the most well-known treatments for infertility and is preferred by most couples worldwide.  One common question that every individual has about IVF is whether IVF is painful.


Understanding whether IVF is painful

It is obvious that infertility itself is painful for a couple – psychologically, socially, emotionally and physically.  There are a lot of concerns like if the procedure will fail, if the baby will be normal, if there will be any risks with the procedure, etc.  All these create a great deal of stress. Let us look into the ‘pain in IVF’ aspect in more detail.

IVF involves a series of steps and this makes most women wonder if the process is painful.

Understanding the process step-by-step

·         Fertility drugs - The procedure begins with fertility drugs that are prescribed for stimulating ovulation.  Most times, these drugs are injected.  Hence, there is a fear if the injections are painful.  IVF injections are not usually painful except for a slight pricking sensation, which is normal as with any other injections.  There is absolutely no need to panic about these injections.


·         Ultrasound Scans - The scans are usually done trans-vaginally and it is not at all painful, though there is some discomfort. Through the cycle, there may be about 4 – 8 scans, depending on the patient’s response to the treatment and various other factors.


·         Egg Retrieval – This stage of the procedure is what creates anxiety among most patients.  This is where the developed eggs are retrieved from the ovaries.  The retrieval of the egg involves the insertion of a thin probe through the vagina to aspirate the fluid and egg follicles from the ovaries with the help of the thin needle attached to the probe.  This is done under mild anesthetic sedation so that the patient does not feel pain when the probe is inserted.


·         Embryo Transfer – This is the stage where one or more healthy embryos are transferred into the uterus with the help of an embryo transfer catheter under ultrasound guidance.  This procedure is absolutely non-painful and there is nothing to worry about it.  While generally non-painful, the patient may experience slight abdominal cramping for a day or two following the procedure.

With the above said, it is very clear that IVF is not painful except for slight discomfort that some patients may experience at some point of time during the procedure.  You are advised to report to your specialist for any pain or discomfort that you may experience at any point in time during the procedure.  The specialist will assess you and prescribe appropriate medication to provide relief. It is very important to choose a specialist who has expertise in performing the procedure very carefully for the procedure to result in a successful pregnancy.


GarbhaGudi IVF Centre has been known for its high success rate in IVF procedures.  Awarded the Best IVF and Fertility Centres in India, GarbhaGudi consists of a team of fertility specialists skilled in performing IVF procedures with good success.  Any sort of fear of pain with IVF should not prevent you from the joy of your life.


GarbhaGudi IVF Centre – Helping you experience your joy beyond fear because your baby is meant to be here.


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Call:  8880000909



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