What does preconception health for men mean?

Parenthood is the most magical experience a couple could experience on this planet. Usually, this joy is achievable within a year of trying. But sometimes, due to some medical conditions, this achievement seems to be easy; surprisingly takes a toll on your physical, emotional & financial well being. As the old saying goes that “ Prevention is better than cure”, the same applies to your fertility health as well. The attainment of fatherhood is dependent on your health and age that can affect your partner’s chances of getting pregnant & the future health of the baby. There are simple steps that help ensure you are healthy and fit to be a dad.

Your preconception health include:
• AGE: The quality of the sperm declines as you get older, therefore arising infertility problems. Your sperms are at their best when you are below 40 yrs of age.
• Have a healthy body weight
• Quit smoking • Limit alcohol & caffeine intake
• Avoid exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, some chemicals and plastics, and radiation.
• Say no to
Say no to anabolic steroids.
• Adopt a healthy lifestyle
• Eat a healthy diet
For additional information & counselling, you can speak to our fertility doctors @ any of our 5 GarbhaGudi IVF Centres, the best IVF & Fertility clinic in Bangalore.
For more information
• Call: 8880000909
• Email: dreams@garbhagudi.com


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