
Showing posts from May, 2021

Home Remedies to Improve Male Fertility

  Here are some handy remedies which can improve your ability to have a child of your own! The male sperm has a crucial role in creating a new life in the womb of the woman. A minimum of 15 million sperms per ml is required to fertilize the egg and eventually to have a healthy pregnancy. Anything below 10 million is abnormal and the chances of pregnancy is severely diminished. A low sperm count can restrict your partner from getting pregnant. It may cause a psychological problem between couples too. But there is a way to avoid developing a low sperm count, before it’s too late. It is crucial to have healthy sperms both qualitatively & quantitatively. You can take homely preventive measures to ensure that you father a child soon. Here are some of the easy remedies to increase sperm count:  Getting enough sleep   Reduce smoking    Managing your stress effectively through pranayama, meditation and mindfulness Consume enough of Vitamin D and calcium   Reduce the intake of harmful fat.

GarbhaGudi’s – A Saga of Accomplishments

  GarbhaGudi’s – A Saga of Accomplishments   “The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you can become” – Harold Taylor All big things come from small beginnings, so is GarbhaGudi … “A dream come true.”   There is no greatest joy ever in life than that of becoming a mother and no pain greater than that when one discovers it is not happening.   GarbhaGudi is not a structure, a building. It is an abode of hope, faith, and trust.   It started with a goal to completely eliminate the pain associated with infertility and spread joy. Being conferred with the most prestigious award as being one of the best IVF and fertility centres in the whole nation tells that we have been successful in what we dreamt.   To be chosen as the best among multiple nominations is not an easy task.   It means that GarbhaGudi is unique and our uniqueness is what brought us this achievement. What is so unique about GarbhaGudi? A dedicated team of exceptionally skilful doctors

Are there chances of ectopic pregnancy in IUI?

  Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves injecting the best sperm directly into the uterus. Fertilization with the egg takes place in the uterus & the embryo implants itself. What is an ectopic pregnancy? In Ectopic pregnancy, an embryo implants in the Fallopian tube, the cervix or the abdomen. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous because the placenta can burrow into a blood vessel and cause internal bleeding. It is a life-threatening condition because it may cause the Fallopian tube to rupture and bleed excessively.  IUI  probably does not increase the danger of extra uterine pregnancy. But all women having fertility treatment got to remember the likelihood of extra uterine pregnancy. We can usually detect an extra uterine pregnancy by the extent of hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin Hormone) within the bioassay and an early ultrasound scan. Low hCG levels can help to point to an extra uterine pregnancy. At first, the symptoms of an extra uterine pregnancy are often almost like t

What are the chances of twins/triplets in IUI?

  Globally, IUI is the most opted infertility treatment solution. It is safe and effective. IUI procedure involves the insertion of the sperm into a woman’s uterus when she is ovulating. IUI is a boon for a couple with unexplained or untreatable  infertility . If a woman is taking fertility medications to increase the number of eggs when she has an IUI, her chance of getting pregnant with twins, triplets, or more is higher than if she were not taking fertility medications. In several Multiple  IUI  pregnancies, babies are more susceptible to low birth weight or can even bear prematurely. In such a scenario, the fertility drugs are put to a halt to avoid further complications. At GarbhaGudi IVF and  fertility  centre, our fertility experts are keen to help and resolve all your queries related to infertility. You can book your appointment for a free online consultation now. For more details: Visit: Call: 8880000909 Email:

What Next steps after Failed IUI. Failure is the stepping stone to success?

  Several couples can do pregnancy and birth because of  IUI . However, there are chances of multiple  IUI  treatments fail to yield the desired results. After a failed fertility treatment cycle, you've got several options. You may decide to try the same treatment. You may prefer to try again with special treatment. The path that is right for you depends upon your particular situation and what you have already tried. What to Discuss with your doctor after a Failed IUI Cycle What went wrong:  Sometimes, it's just a matter of trying again. Identifying where things went wrong may help boost your odds of success next time. What odds for success are if you try again: Sometimes, they are just as good as the first time. Sometimes, especially after a couple of too many cycles, the chances of success decrease significantly on a subsequent try. Some clinics offer data analytics tools, which may help predict your odds of success with various treatments. Any possible risks of sticking with

When should I stop trying through IUI?

  When should I look at IVF? For couples diagnosed with infertility, IUI( Intrauterine Insemination) is the first treatment protocol. Each cycle of an  IUI  has about a 10-20% success rate, on average, for women under 35.The odds of successfully conceiving rises with the number of attempts. Therefore, you have about a 30-60% chance of having a baby after trying 3-times. When IUI collaborates with an ovulation induction treatment cycle, pregnancy rates can be twice as high. In many cases, success rates of IUI drop off after three unsuccessful cycles & the decision to change to a new treatment can spur anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty. What’s the magic number to transit from IUI to IVF? Our GarbhaGudi IVF fertility specialists may want you to try several IUIs before suggesting you move on to more aggressive treatment, such as in vitro fertilization. Success in an IUI largely depends on multiple factors. For women under the age of 35, our fertility doctors at GarbhaGudi IVF recomme