
Showing posts from June, 2021


 MYTHS ABOUT FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER (FEAR BLOCKS PROGRESS – CLARIFY YOUR MYTHS AND PLAN YOUR BABY)  Being a mother is obviously the ultimate joy in a woman’s life, but many women these days have changing priorities. A number of higher priority aspirations and requirements come into the list and they end up delaying the plan to have a baby. Chasing your career dreams, learning a new skill, playing a sport, going on an adventure, traveling across the globe, success in endeavors, taking care of parents or siblings and such other demands. All this creates a dilemma – what should one choose between family or career, child or passion and pregnancy or other interests. This dilemma ends up becoming a fear and creates decision paralysis – neither can you go ahead with pregnancy nor can you concentrate on your career.  Almost everyone today knows that conceiving can become very challenging if delayed; however, what you are unaware of is that these challenges can be faced with ease today, with t

Is it time for you to opt for a test tube baby?

Is it time for you to opt for a test tube baby? Dreams of attaining parenthood comes true easily for many but others may face a lot of challenges. Through the advancement of reproductive science, today every couple can dream of becoming parents. Infertility rate is increasing drastically with time. There are so many reasons for this, like hormonal issues, structural issues, poor diet, stress, etc.  Are you facing problems in conceiving? Is it causing havoc in your personal life? If so, then you can evaluate the option of a Test tube baby treatment. It is also known as IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), a perfect solution to many infertility problems. You will enjoy & cherish the feeling & journey of becoming a parent.  What is Test Tube Baby Treatment?  In the natural process, the sperm goes through the female vagina, into the uterus and then into the Fallopian tubes, where the matured egg is fertilized inside the woman’s body & pregnancy happens. But when there are issues in t

Why does Repeated IVF Failure happen?

 Why does Repeated IVF Failure happen?  Parenthood is the most blissful gift to mankind. But if diagnosed with infertility leaves you heartbroken & depressed. Then when you opt for IVF to conceive, facing one or more unsuccessful IVF cycles leaves you devastating and frustrating. When a couple fails to achieve pregnancy following several IVF cycles after using three good embryos are known to be going through a recurrent or repeated implantation failure. IVF success: The variables involved in a successful IVF cycle are: •        A healthy egg •        Normal, functional sperm •        A healthy uterus capable of nurturing the growth of a baby. Causes of repeated IVF failures are: •        Poor Oocyte Quality A healthy egg is responsible for the birth of a healthy embryo. Any abnormalities in the egg can result in a chromosomally abnormal fetus. Egg fusing with the sperm plays a crucial role in cell division and chromosomal duplication to form an embryo. As the oocyte or eggs ages,

Are IVF babies healthy in Body & Mind?

 Are IVF babies healthy in Body & Mind? Infertility is a growing concern. But with the advancement of science & technology, infertility is treatable. Millions of childless parents are blessed with the boon of IVF or In Vitro Fertilization. This discovery in the field of medical science has helped a lot of couples fulfilling their dreams of being a parent. But to date, questions regarding its integrity hover around the minds of the would-be parents. Many people are still skeptical about it and harbor a lot of preconceived notions. One common prejudice which is prevalent even among people is that IVF babies are not normal & healthy. As they are not offshoots of a natural process & happen to develop in cutting-edge laboratories under the supervision of doctors, there is a misconception that IVF babies cannot be as normal & healthy as the ones born naturally.  But the truth is far from it. This false belief is only a myth & not a fact.  Research shows IVF children

What to expect after the embryo transfer?

  Expect to accept you are a mother to be) Gone are the days when women were restricted to certain tasks and there were confines on what women were meant to do. With the revolutionized world, women empowerment grew stronger with women becoming aware of their rights, skills, talents, and goals in life. Lifestyle changed and so did priorities. However, the ultimate wish for every woman still remains that of being a mother. This put s most women in a dilemma as to choose a career and chase their dreams OR settl e down and plan a happy family . Undoubtedly, the desire of becoming a mother is strong and a key driving force for many decisions in a woman’s life , but then there exists confusion about whether you have to give up on your career, your goals, and your dreams.   Well, if that is your concern, then the answer is “No.” The wonders in the field of Reproductive Medicine have come up with new and innovative techniques to help women pursue their dreams as well as experience th


Life has numerous joys to offer. However, without a family, these joys may seem temporary and often, insufficient. Human life feels incomplete without a family to many. However, the reality may be unpleasant since infertility respects no social class, education, religion, or age. One of the ways of handling this challenge of infertility is with the use of artificial insemination in the process of IUI. In most cases it will be done with the help of the husband or male partner’s semen and in some rare cases, a donor’s semen may be used.   But how does artificial insemination help?   A SOLUTION FOR LOW SPERM COUNT & LOW SPERM MOTILITY ISSUE: One of the main advantages of AI by husband is that it allows men with low sperm count or low sperm motility to fertilize their wives. In cases where natural conception is unlikely, AI comes in as a timely intervention. It is an affordable treatment when compared to other methods. It is usually the first line of treatment for couples experi