
Showing posts from April, 2021

What are the common facts about Men and Fertility?

  Infertility is the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular, unprotected sex. The percentage of all couples having infertility is growing day by day. To increase infertility awareness, we are talking about male infertility. We also want to debunk some common myths and reinforce some other facts. Age affects male fertility:  The quality of  sperm  decreases with age. The average time taken by a man aged less than 25, to make a woman pregnant is 4.5 month. The same increases to 48 months if the man is aged 40 or more. This is a five-fold increase. Smoking and alcohol affect fertility : Smoking unfavorably and severely affects male fertility. Cigarette smokers tend to possess lower semen volumes, lower sperm counts and lesser percentage of motile sperms. If a man is consuming more than 20 units of alcohol per week, then the couple take much longer to conceive, considering all other conditions are normal. Hot tubs and saunas affect fertility : Exposure to hot temperatures can cau

What are the causes and treatment of male infertility?

  Male infertility is a man’s inadequacy to generate sperm or create sperm of appropriate quality to fertilize the  female’s egg . Male infertility  is an aspect in 40% of infertility cases and also male factor infertility is the primary reason 15% of the times. 50% of most male infertility conditions can be cured or managed through available options. Treatments for male infertility include: Holistic approach, including lifestyle improvements. This will change those risky health behavior like weight problems, harmful eating habits, addictions such as smoking cigarettes or substance abuse etc.. All of these influence fertility adversely. Intrauterine insemination ( IUI ) – This entails the gathering, cleansing (washing) as well as the concentration of healthy and balanced sperm that are then put straight into the uterus IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a new-age innovative laboratory process. It includes injecting just one healthy sperm into an egg to produce an embry

Knock the block (What are the treatments for blocked Fallopian tubes?)

  Infertility is defined as difficulty in getting pregnant after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility can happen both in males and females. Lots of things can cause infertility, such as age, irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal  imbalance , blocked fallopian tubes and so on. We are so fortunate that  we live in an age where  there are safe treatments and therapies  available  and these can improve  our  chance s  of pregnancy  significantly .   Fallopian tubes are J- shaped  tubes which connect ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive  system . Its role is to  enable fertilization of  the ovum (egg)  with a sperm and then transfer  the  fertilized ovum  to the uterus for  implantation and subsequent growth .   Fertilization may not happen if one or both of the  F allopian tubes are blocked, as the egg may not be able to travel from the ovary to the uterus or the sperm might not be able to reach the egg. The tubes may not be totally blocked, but partially ,  w
  FRESH AND FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER When Undergoing IVF treatment for infertility, there is an often dilemma - proceed with a frozen embryo transfer or should we go for a fresh embryo transfer. This is a very common question and couples need to be aware of the advantages and consequences of either step. What is a fresh and a frozen transfer ? During an IVF procedure, women are put under a range of medications for the induction of ovulation. The ova formed in response, are retrieved and used for fertilisation with the sperm of their partner. The resultant embryos are transferred back to the uterus for subsequent implantation and development. The embryos formed are either transferred directly within 5 days after the retrieval or can be cryopreserved for use in the subsequent cycles or future pregnancy of the couple. Both the fresh and frozen transfers are beneficial with few advantages of frozen transfers over the fresh transfers. Know what makes a frozen transfer score higher than a fr


An investment in good nutrition yields the best interest – A healthy  life.  Your food could be your medicine and your medicine could be your food.  What you choose to eat is what you want to become.  Food can be either an elixir or venom, depends on YOUR food choices.  All that tickles your taste buds need not be ideal for your health.  This does not mean you have to annoy your taste buds for healthy living.  Customize your food to give you a blend of taste and good health.  While right food choices can help a healthy living, wrong choices can adversely affect it.    It would be surprising to know that the food you choose to eat can also affect your fertility .   Nutrition is one of the most significant factors to improve the fertility rate.  There are specific foods that are believed to have positive effects on reproductive health, providing necessary nutrients for the production and function of hormones  responsible for fertility as well as maintaining balanced levels of the