
Showing posts from July, 2021

What does preconception health for men mean?

Parenthood is the most magical experience a couple could experience on this planet. Usually, this joy is achievable within a year of trying. But sometimes, due to some medical conditions, this achievement seems to be easy; surprisingly takes a toll on your physical, emotional & financial well being. As the old saying goes that “ Prevention is better than cure”, the same applies to your fertility health as well. The attainment of fatherhood is dependent on your health and age that can affect your partner’s chances of getting pregnant & the future health of the baby. There are simple steps that help ensure you are healthy and fit to be a dad. Your preconception health include: • AGE: The quality of the sperm declines as you get older, therefore arising infertility problems. Your sperms are at their best when you are below 40 yrs of age. • Have a healthy body weight • Quit smoking • Limit alcohol & caffeine intake • Avoid exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, some chemicals an

What care needs to be taken pre and post embryo transfer? (A little more care, as your baby is in there)

Most women today prefer to follow their dreams and passion before planning on a family but are often worried about postponing the pregnancy.   Many misconceptions with irrelevant or incomplete information, from unreliable sources, have caused great confusion on how to decide between career and conception.   A fear exists that postponing pregnancy could result in a permanent loss.     Thankfully, Reproductive Medicine has made development to an extent where women can now fearlessly decide their priorities.   A lot of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are now available with which the decision-making in such cases becomes easier.   One such medical wonder is the frozen embryo transfer (FET).   In addition to the above, couples have serious health issues undergoing treatment that could carry a risk of damage to the sperm or egg can also choose to store the embryos and opt for transfer and conception post treatment after the period of recovery.   Understanding FET Froze


  JOY BEYOND FEAR, YOUR BABY IS MEANT TO BE HERE Mothering a child is the most awaited phase of life for a woman.   Once you are ready for this wonderful experience, it is followed by a lot of emotional and physical enthusiasm and preparing yourself for the journey.   When this happens in the way it is expected to happen, the joy of a woman knows no bounds. However, if it does not, there is nothing more disappointing when you discover that you are ready for it and then you look at a negative pregnancy test.   With every negative test, the soul breaks down a little more and the faith starts declining.   When you have tried to conceive for more than a year with unprotected sex and the results are disappointing, you tend to believe that it is no more going to happen.   Infertility is one of the rapidly growing issues in the current times.   Well, what you should know is Reproductive Medicine has advanced to an extent where infertility is no more a matter of concern.   IVF treatments

What should I do if multiple IUIs have failed?

Infertility has been increasing drastically in recent times due to a number of factors like lifestyle, stress, pollution, environmental conditions, etc.   It is one of the most painful experiences to discover that one is unable to conceive due to one or more reasons.  Well, every problem comes with a solution.   Thankfully, Reproductive Medicine has also provided a solution to such issues through assisted reproductive technology.   IVF and IUI procedures have proved to be a boon to couples who now can turn their dream of having a baby into an amazing reality.   Among the various ART procedures, intrauterine insemination ( IUI ) is the most common and preferred treatment as it is a relatively simple and cost-effective treatment. What is IUI? It is usually the first line of treatment for infertility which involves retrieval of sperms from the male partner, isolating healthy sperms, and placing them directly into the uterus for conception to occur.   The success of IUIs depends on

What are PGD and PGS?

IVF technology has given a ray of hope to many couples enabling them to have their biological child. With cutting-edge techniques, advanced equipments and dedicated lab personnel, the technology ensures better clinical results. A couple taking fertility treatment, such as IVF , may be advised by their fertility doctor to have their embryos undergo genetic testing, before they are transferred into the uterus. The two tests conducted on embryos for genetic defects are: ·          Preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD ) ·          Preimplantation Genetic Screening ( PGS ) After the tests, only the embryos free of genetic abnormalities are transferred into the uterus. What is PGD? PGD is a sort of screening done to detect genes linked to specific diseases. If either the man or the woman has a family history of a hereditary disease, this test can help ensure that the child born out of IVF will not have the condition. Either partner need not have the disease for the test to be

Transmission of genetic problems from parents to children through IVF

Parents always take umpteen precautionary measures to ensure that their babies are safe and healthy. The present generation of parents go an extra mile to secure the health of their child. But there are still a few grey areas where creating awareness is essential. One of such is genetic testing and its role in treating birth abnormalities. One of the key treatment options for infertility is IVF . IVF involves combining eggs and sperm outside the body in a laboratory. Once an embryo or embryos are formed, they are injected into the uterus for a successful conception. Today, technological advancements in the field of IVF have made it feasible to detect genetic disorders at the embryonic stage. This allows specialists to choose the best embryo with minimal risk of genetically transmittible diseases and conditions. Millions of children are born worldwide following IVF treatments. The majority of IVF babies are very healthy. Some important points to note about IVF babies are One

How to select the best IVF center

Introduction For any couple who are suffering from infertility, pursuing fertility treatment is a huge step. It also involves a commitment of money and time to ensure a safe and successful process. Therefore, you must follow some crucial steps to find the best IVF centre for your treatment.  Deciding on the right hospital for your fertility treatment is a subjective decision and is rather challenging. It would be best if you consult your doctor, local support group and anyone else who has taken treatment earlier, for feedback and recommendations. We have picked out some valuable tips to help you choose the best IVF centre .   Learn about different categories of IVF  Centres Many people aren't familiar that IVF centres come in different flavours or categories, depending on various factors. One must know that two clinics are not at all alike and the treatment that you may receive may be entirely different. Every category has its own advantages and disadvantages, with n

Know what to ask your fertility doctor!!!

Introduction Suppose you and your partner are going through infertility issues and planning to visit a fertility hospital . In such a case, it is crucial for you to list out some basic queries that you must know about various types of fertility treatments. This will help you to collate all the essential information during your appointment with your doctor and help you to shortlist the best fertility hospital in Bangalore . We have made a list of questions that you must ask your doctor to get the best advice based on your personal circumstances.                                                                  1. Why do we need so many investigations before starting the treatment? To understand the root cause of your infertility, your doctor needs to run some specific tests and procedures. Only after that, your doctor can recommend a suitable IVF treatment plan for your condition.   2. Can you give some insights surrounding the types of treatments your clinic offer? It is g

How to select the best IVF centre

Introduction For any couple who are suffering from infertility, pursuing fertility treatment is a huge step. It also involves a commitment of money and time to ensure a safe and successful process. Therefore, you must follow some crucial steps to find the best IVF centre for your treatment.  Deciding on the right hospital for your fertility treatment is a subjective decision and is rather challenging. It would be best if you consult your doctor, local support group and anyone else who has taken treatment earlier, for feedback and recommendations. We have picked out some valuable tips to help you choose the best IVF centre .   Learn about different categories of IVF  Centres Many people aren't familiar that IVF centres come in different flavours or categories, depending on various factors. One must know that two clinics are not at all alike and the treatment that you may receive may be entirely different. Every category has its own advantages and disadvantages, with n