
Showing posts from January, 2021

ICSI treatment – When is it needed?

In some couples, the sperm cannot travel through the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg – the reason can be due to blocks in the fallopian tube or because of weak semen parameters. In some other couples, the sperm may travel through the fallopian but may fail to penetrate and fertilize it for some reason. In some cases where the male partner’s ejaculate has no viable sperms, doctors can gather some sperms through a surgical procedure, directly from the testes. Such surgically retrieved sperms are not capable of fertilizing an egg on their own. These are some of the cases where ICSI is a boon. In ICSI , the sperm does not have to travel to the egg nor does it have to penetrate the egg to fertilize it. ICSI is an effective method of treatment for couples who are facing the below issues. Low sperm count Poor morphology or motility of sperm Prior history of vasectomy or injury such that sperm ejaculation is not possible. In such cases, the sperm gets collected from the te


  The moment one is planning for a baby, fertility, and problems related to fertility become the hot-button issues. This is a topic that has been widely discussed, in order to help more and more individuals become aware of the situation and deal with it in a timely manner. While the common idea is that infertility is a condition that occurs only in women, it should not be surprising if one gets to hear that men can contribute to infertility as well. Today, more and more fertility challenges are being identified as being due to the male partner. Infertility due to men is seen in about 40% of infertility cases according to research. But it is not something that cannot be addressed. There does exist a treatment or a strategy to resolve most issues if treatment is sought early. Men with fertility issues need to understand that it is a common problem and there is absolutely no need to be apprehensive about it. First and foremost, when a woman fails to get pregnant, one needs to kno


Becoming pregnant is an amazing emotion, but then it is at times hard for some people and other times, excruciating. Sooner or later, every woman‘s desire is to experience this wonderful feeling. It is, however, not easy for all women to initiate and sustain that tiny life within her due to a number of reasons. While the list is vast, one of the most common causes of infertility is blocked fallopian tubes. Correlation between blocked fallopian tubes and infertility As one is well aware, fallopian tubes are reproductive organs in females that connect the ovaries to the uterus. These tubes play an important role in conception as it is here that the fertilization takes place. It is the fallopian tubes that carry eggs from the ovary to the uterus. Therefore, any abnormality of these tubes could cause infertility as it becomes impossible for the sperm to unite with the egg. Blocked fallopian tubes make it difficult for the passage of sperm to reach the egg and also for the ferti

Does hyperthyroidism cause infertility in women

  There is really no feeling like the feeling of being a “Mother.” Being one however is not easy for all women. For some women facing infertility problems, becoming pregnant comes with its own challenges and struggles. While one might be aware of the most common causes, there are a few which need to be looked into with a deeper insight as well. One such factor is endocrine disorders. Endocrine disorders, specifically hyperthyroidism, is one of the causes, which could be causing infertility. How does hyperthyroidism cause infertility? The thyroid gland plays a significant role in reproduction. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of thyroxine, a hormone, which can impair fertility. This interferes with the process of ovulation. There are several other factors associated with hyperthyroidism, which could cause infertility in women. A few of those are: Irregular menstrual cycle (a cycle that could be shorter or longer than the typ

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause Infertility!

  Did one know that deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause infertility in both men and women? If one has been trying to urge pregnancy for an extended time, but with no success, then one among the explanations might be lack of vitamin B12 in your body. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin and plays a vital role in producing the genetic components, DNA and RNA of the egg and the sperm. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 results in infertility in both men and women. In men: Vitamin B12 is helpful in the generation and maturation of the sperms. A deficiency of this vitamin may negatively affect the sperm count or cause subsequent issues: • Low sperm count • DNA damage in sperm cells • Low motility of sperms • Loss of libido • Premature Ejaculation. In women: Conception is not easy for a woman with Vitamin B12 deficiency. The chances of foetal loss are higher even if one gets pregnant. The lack of B12 possibly interferes with the reproduction process that leads

Beware ! Your biological clock is ticking. Freeze your eggs NOW !

    Infertility is heartbreaking for couples who wish to have children. Some may have a successful first pregnancy but may not be able to conceive the second time. The hardships, emotional, mental and physical trauma one goes through in both the situations is immeasurable. One of the causes of infertility could be Early Ovarian Ageing (EOA). Let us evaluate the causes, diagnosis and treatment to achieve pregnancy despite having EOA. Common causes of EOA: • Endometriosis • Previous Ovarian/Tubal surgeries • Autoimmune disorders • Diabetes • H/O chemotherapy/radiotherapy • Smoking • Genetic abnormalities • Sometimes without any cause- idiopathic Diagnosis of EOA: Hormone test and a ultrasound scan immediately after the onset of periods to check antral follicle count. Treatment: Women with EOA can be treated by increasing the quality of the remaining follicles using supplements like Dhea, Zinc, melatonin, antioxidants like coenzyme Q, vitamin E, L- Leucine, lycopene, selenium et


  The most magical day in a woman’s life is the day a woman becomes a “Mother.” There are a lot of women who have been deprived of this magical day due to various reasons . O ne such reason can be due to issues related to mental health such as depression. The question arises - C an depression cause infertility ? The answer is - Yes, depression can cause infertility. If not definitively, studies and certain investigations have shown a strong correlation between depression and increased rates of infertility. Women who experience depressed moods are more than likely to have infertility. Depression can negatively affect the health , thereby leading to hormone-related problems, which increases the chances of infertility. The symptoms of depression that consequently lead to infertility can be summarized as: De-motivation Loss of appetite Insomnia Anxiety Anger outburst Crying spells Lack of interest in sex Feelings of helplessness There are also instances where depression could be du

Early Ovarian Ageing- A hurdle in one’s pathway to motherhood!

    The journey to motherhood is unique and beautiful in every woman. But due to various medical reasons in some women, the journey to motherhood may not be as comfortable and happening. One such reason can be Early Ovarian Ageing (EOA) which can cause a hurdle in one’s pathway to motherhood.   What is EOA?   All women are born with a definite number of eggs. There is no production of new follicles at any stage of life. A healthy female has 10—20 lakhs primordial follicles at birth. It reduces to 4 lakhs by puberty each of which contains an immature ovum. During the reproductive life span of an adult female, 300-400 follicles reach maturity. The remaining follicles get depleted or exhausted. Ovarian Reserve refers to the number of potential follicles left in the ovaries at a given point of time. In an individual, the significant decline in ovarian reserve is at 35 years of age. However, in some women, the reduction happens at an early stage of life termed as Early Ovarian Ageing (EOA)